Building Empathy In Our Children

In school, our children are focused on learning facts, how to do math, and how to write. This type of intelligence helps propel them forward in school, earning high grades and college acceptances. But…what if IQ alone isn’t enough to make your child successful in life? Psychologist Dr. Sasha Ribic provides some insight on how to teach empathy to our children.

State of the Kid 2017

It’s never been easy to raise caring, empathetic children. But perhaps it’s never been harder. Each year Highlights magazine releases their State of the Kid™ report, where they select topics that give us unique insight into how kids view the world they live in. This year Highlights focused on kindness. Take a look at what kids had to say!  Our very own Dr. Sasha Ribic contributed her expertise to the report!

How to Be Happier

Most people want to increase their level of happiness – whether they feel that they are already generally “happy” or not.  The good news is that there are ways to be happier in your life overall and day to day.  The challenge is putting in the work to get there.

How To Catch Your Child…Being Good!

One of the most important techniques we can use as a parent is ENCOUARGEMENT.  Parents often focus on what their child is doing wrong, by providing encouragement, you can convey respect for your child AS THEY ARE.